Send us your Pitches: CFU Call for Content

We are looking for content! The CFU is currently soliciting proposals for written, video and graphic content focused on issues of economic justice for freelancers produced by the membership.

What type of content?

All proposed content should focus on economic justice for freelancers. Topics should be focused on issues important 
to freelancers, the labour movement, etc. This could include social, political and economic issues of relevance to
freelancers as well as more practical advice like how to enforce a contract. We are also particularly interested in
issues affecting freelancers with marginalized identities (eg. women in freelancing, disabled freelancers etc.) and
timely topics. Some suggested topics are listed below. Content can take a variety of forms, including listicles, articles, videos, photo essays, infographics etc. Guidelines
for length and payment schedule varies according to type of content. All content is expected to be well-researched and
accurate, and longer pieces will be fact-checked. Length of material and Payment Written Pieces Blog Posts (minimal research, less than 750 words): $100 Essays or investigative pieces (research heavy and in depth; 1000-2500 words): $400 Video “Talk-to-camera” videos from 1-3 minutes in duration. $50 Other content will be considered on a case by case basis. Graphic, Photo and Other Content To be considered on a case by case basis.
Pitching Process: All CFU members are welcome to pitch to cover a topic. Pitches should be no more than 150 words, sent by email to, and should also include a link to a sample of previous work in a similar style.
Pitches are due on the fifteenth day of the month (ie. September 15, October 15) for consideration for the following
month. Potential contributors are encouraged to submit their pitches early as they may be considered on a rolling
basis, particularly for timely topics. Editorial Process: An expected publication date will be scheduled upon acceptance of a pitch. A draft of all content should be sent via
email no later than one week in advance of scheduled publication. Exceptions to this deadline may be made in the case
of particularly timely material. All written articles will be edited for spelling, grammar and writing style. Both
articles and other content (video etc.) may also be edited for minor content revisions with or without the involvement
of the author. In the event of major edits every effort will be made to secure the involvement of the author. Copyright/Ownership: All published material remains the property of the contributor, and you have the right to make other use of this
material after publication provided original publication by the CFU is acknowledged. Attribution to the CFU should
read as follows: “This piece originally appeared on the Canadian Freelance Union website”. A link to the CFU website
must be included. The CFU retains non-exclusive rights to the material (written, video, photos, infographic or
otherwise) for any print, online or archival publication of the CFU or its affiliates (ie. Unifor), including for
advertising, promotional or historical purposes.   Suggested Topics: All topics should tie in with economic justice for freelancers (solidarity in rates, unity in positions, etc). We are
particularly interested in timely topics or those relating to marginalized groups. Ideas for Topics Include: Equality and Equity in Freelancing

Women in Freelancing Freelancing 101 Ethics in Freelancing
Online harassment Criminalization of journalists International days of solidarity or for worker's rights Issues for freelancers with disabilities Tax advice and freelancing Parental leave and freelancing Insurance for freelancers - why do you need it? What do you need? How do you get it? Financial planning for freelancers (How to set aside for RRSPs, TFSAs, etc.) Freelancer vs. Freelancer - how the “gig economy” pits us against each other Freelancers and the Holiday season
Please be in touch with Raul at with any questions. We look forward to reading your pitches!